Climate transition in China - Fræðslufundur NorSIF og ChinaSIF

IcelandSIF vekur athygli aðildarfélaga á fræðslufundi NorSIF og ChinaSIF sem haldin verður þann 22. nóvember næstkomandi kl. 7:30-9:00 (8:30-10:00 á Osló tíma).

Skráning á fundinn fer fram hér á heimasíðu NorSIF.


Climate transition in China - a joint webinar by Norsif and ChinaSIF for members of the Nordic SIFs


China raised the 2060 carbon neutrality goal in 2020, which creates significant impacts on a number of sectors in China ranging from renewable to finance. On the one hand, it is important to understand the transition pathway and access the carbon data to manage the risks of your portfolio. On the other hand, climate-related technology, renewable energy and associated industries might also create opportunities.

Jointly organized by Norsif and China SIF, this webinar will invite China ESG experts to discuss climate transition in China.

Date and time

7:30 - 9:00 am Reykjavik time (8.30-10 am Oslo time, 3.30-5:00 pm Beijing time)

Tuesday 22 November

Agenda and speakers

Climate transition pathway in China (20 mins)

by Michelle Xian, China Southern Asset Management

Climate transition for internet centres (20 mins)

by Sam Tseng, VNET Group, Inc.

Carbon data and disclosure (20 mins)

by GUO Peiyuan, SynTao Green Finance / China SIF

Q&A moderated by Norsif (30 mins)


About speakers and organizations

Michelle Xian: CFA, SVP of Sustainable Development Depart, Southern Asset Management. She recently joined SAM with ESG research and investment. Before that, she had been working in the finance industry for 13 years in New York and helped an insurance company to manage an MSCI-US ESG investment.

Sam Tseng: founding head of the VNET ESG centre. Prior to the position, he joined the VNET group as the Chief of Staff to the group CEO. Before VNET, he was with DiDi as a manager in the Strategy function, during which Sam held various responsibilities in areas such as international go-to-market, product-launch strategy, and growing operations. Sam started his early career as a management consultant in strategy and deal advisory at KPMG. VNET Group, Inc. is a leading carrier-neutral Internet data centre services provider in China. VNET provides hosting and related services, cloud services, and business VPN services, improving the reliability, security and speed of its customers' Internet infrastructure. VNET operates in more than 30 cities throughout China, servicing a diversified and loyal base of over 6,500 hosting and related enterprise customers.

Guo Peiyuan: Chairman of China SIF and SynTao Green Finance. Dr.Guo also serves as a committee member of the China Green Finance Committee, and China Green Securities Committee. He also advises UNEP FI’s work in China. SynTao Green Finance is one of the first Chinese organizations specialized in providing green finance and ESG responsible investment services. SynTao Green Finance provides three types of services: ESG rating data services, covering all A-share listed companies and some HKEx listed companies; third-party assessment and certification services for green bonds; and ESG and green finance advisory services.

About our co-organizers

China SIF: Established in 2012 as a non-profit organization, China SIF is dedicated to promoting ESG and providing a platform for exchanging and sharing ideas on sustainable investment in China. For the past 10 years, China SIF has been holding annual conferences and featured events, publishing research reports and funding research studies.

Southern Asset Management: Southern Asset Management is one of the top industry leaders to integrate ESG principles into the business operation and investment process. It became a signatory to United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2018 and is actively involved in responsible investment. As of September 30, 2022, Southern Asset Management and its subsidiaries have a scale of combined assets under management (AUM) that totalled USD 254 billion.