Nordic SIF ráðstefna í Stokkhólmi 7.-8. nóvember


Við viljum vekja athygli á ráðstefnu Nordic SIF, sem haldin verður að þessu sinni í Stokkhólmi dagana 7. og 8. nóvember. Ráðstefnan er eingöngu opin meðlimum Swesif, Dansif, Finsif, Iceland SIF og Norsif og er mikilvægur vettvangur til að fara yfir og deila þekkingu á þeim viðfangsefnum sem við öll eigum sameiginleg. Ráðstefnan er áhugaverð blanda af fyrirlestrum og vinnustofum, ásamt kvöldverði þann 7. nóvember í boði Swesif. Að neðan er dagskrá fundarins. Hlekkur á frekari upplýsingar og skráningu á ráðstefnuna er hér.

DAY 1 – Thursday 7th of November, 9.30 am – 17.00 pm

9.30: Coffee and registration

10.00 – 10.15: Welcome and introduction – Anita Lindberg, Chairman of Swesif and Johan Florén, AP7, moderator

10.15 – 10.45: Keynote #1: Catching up with the long-term perspectives: How do we shift the conversation? – Robert Eccles, University of Oxford

10.50 – 11.20: Keynote #2: Engagement for real change: Are we awakening the sleeping giants? The role of financial institutions for forest wildfires and climate stability – Dr. Victor Galaz, Stockholm Resilience Centre

11.25 – 11:55: Keynote #3: Accelerating sustainable investments through emerging technologies: How fintech innovations and digitalization help scale sustainable investments – Cecilia Repinski, Stockholm Green Digital Finance (SGDF)

Read more about the keynote presentations here.

12.00 – 12.05: Practical information about the afternoon’s parallel sessions

12.05 – 13.15: Lunch

13.15 – 15.45: Parallel workshops on the different themes and presentations from the morning.

Workshop #1: Catching up with the long term perspectives: Shifting away from undue short-termism – from the trading floors to the board rooms – Bob Eccles, Anita Lindberg and Gregor Vulturius

Workshop #2: Engagement for real change: How do we make impact as active owners? – Dr. Emma Sjöström and Dr. Beatrice Crona

Workshop #3: Accelerating sustainable investments through emerging technologies: Introducing the Green Assets Wallet – Harald Lund, CEO, CICERO Shades of Green and Cecilia Repinski, CEO, Stockholm Green Digital Finance

Please note: You choose one of the three workshops in the registration form below. Read more about the workshops here.

15.45 – 16.30: Panel discussions concluding the workshops – Workshop hosts and moderator Johan Florén, AP7

16.30: Closing remarks

17.30: Reception – Drinks and snacks will be served (on behalf of Swesif) . Venue: TBD.

19:00: Joint dinner – Dinner will be at the participants own expense. More details about the dinner will be presented further on.

DAY 2 – Friday 8th of November, 9.00 am – 12.00 am

9.00 – 9.10: Welcome – Anita Lindberg

9.10 – 11.00: Presentation by all the Nordic SIFs – Interesting activities and initiatives, current trends and challenges in the SIFs.

11.00 – 11.45: “Wrapping up” – Conversation between the SIF representatives on their specific market’s trends and conditions, main takeaways and reflections from the conference and possible next steps.

11.45 – 12.00: Closing remarks

12.00: Lunch ” to go”