IcelandSIF stendur fyrir morgunfundi þann 21. september klukkan 9:00 í húsakynnum Landsbankans að Reykjastræti 6. Húsið opnar klukkan 8:30 og verður boðið upp á léttan morgunverð. Gert er ráð fyrir að fundurinn standi yfir í um klukkutíma.
Við fáum til okkar Eric Pedersen, yfirmann sjálfbærra fjárfestinga hjá Nordea Asset Management og varaformann DanSIF til að vera með erindi sem ber yfirskriftina How asset owners and asset managers can go about integrating ESG and especially climate risk and climate action across their portfolios.
Í framhaldi af erindi Eric mun Þráinn Halldórsson, gagnasérfræðingur, fjalla um hvernig nota má mismunandi UFS gagnagreiningarlíkön við innleiðingu UFS þátta og mat á áhættuþáttum í eignamöppum, en slík líkön hafa spilað stórt hlutverk í framgangi Nordea Asset Management á sviði ábyrgra fjárfestinga.
Erindin fara fram á ensku og að erindum loknum gefst gestum færi á að spyrja spurninga.
Eric Pedersen
Eric is the Head of Nordea Asset Management’s industry-leading Responsible Investments Team since January 2020. Eric holds an M.Sc. in Economics from the University of Copenhagen. Having completed his Master’s thesis on Economic Reform in India, he began his professional career at the United Nations, being employed as a junior economist by UNDP in Mali, West Africa. After moving to the finance industry, he has worked in various roles in the Asset Management area, including Head of Product Development, Head of Retail Products, Head of Sales and Head of Strategy for Nordea’s Asset Management and Life business, and Branch Manager of Nordea Bank S.A., Singapore Branch. His latest previous position was as Deputy CEO of Nordea Funds, where he oversaw the move to focus Nordea’s fund business on ESG. In this context, he was instrumental in introducing sustainability as a criterion in Nordea Bank’s customer due diligence and investment advice processes already from 2019, and in the design of dedicated core ESG products suited for broad-based retail distribution. Eric has served on the Danish Corporate Governance Committee and in the Finance Denmark Forum for Sustainable Finance, and has given guest lectures on ESG and Sustainable Investing for Graduate and international MBA students at Copenhagen Business school, as well as for the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investments course offered at Boston University. In 2021, Eric joined the Advisory Board of Boston University’s Impact Measurement and Allocation Program.
Þráinn Halldórsson
Þráinn has in recent years held the position of ESG Data Scientist in the field of Responsible Investments at Nordea Asset Management and is also a member of the IFRS ISSB Investor Advisory Group, which among other things plays a key role in the development of the SASB standard. Þráinn has a B.A. in economics from the University of Iceland and an M.Sc. in Finance and Investments with big data analytics as a minor from Copenhagen Business School. Additionally, he has passed the stock broker exam in Iceland.