
About IcelandSIF

IcelandSIF - Iceland Sustainable Investment Forum was established in Iceland on 13 November 2017. The aim of IcelandSIF is to promote awareness and debate about the methods of sustainable and responsible investment.

The founding members are financial undertakings, pension funds and insurance companies that invest on own account or on behalf of third parties that operate in Iceland and support the organisation's platform. Founding members include eleven pension funds, four banks, three insurance companies, four fund management companies and one asset management firm.

IcelandSIF is intended to function as an independent forum for discussion and education about responsible and sustainable investment. The organisation will as such not take a position on questions of contention in the field. The Icelandic name of the organisation is Samtök um ábyrgar fjárfestingar.

The Board of Directors of IcelandSIF is comprised of

  • Arnar Sveinn Harðarson, lawyer and project manager at Arion banki
  • Halla Kristjánsdóttir, Chief Investment Officer at LSR,
  • Helena Guðjónsdóttir, specialist at Kvika asset management,
  • Kristín Halldórsdóttir, Account Manager Private Banking at Íslandsbanki
  • Vigdís Sif Hrafnkelsdóttir, Account Manager at Landsbankinn
  • Vilhjálmur Þór Svansson, Head of Legal at Creditinfo Iceland hf.
  • Þráinn Halldórsson, specialist at the Icelandic Pension Fund of Commerce (Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna)

Arnar Sveinn Harðarson is Chairman of the Board of IcelandSIF and Halla Kristjánsdóttir is Vice-chairman of the Board.

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